In this section you can book a parking place. Please insert the date and time of your arrival to the parking lot (usually 2-3 hours before your flight departure), then the date and time of your departure from the parking lot (usually 30-45 minutes after your aircraft has landed in Bratislava), and also indicate whether you request the “Transfer”), i.e. the transfer from the parking lot to the airport and, after your return, from the airport to the parking lot. After clicking the button “Book”, a new window will open where the price for the relevant parking time will be calculated. Here you will also receive the remaining information necessary for the reservation and you will choose the payment mode.
PLEASE NOTE: If you request transfer of a person (child) who requires a child safety seat, please indicate so when completing the Reservation Form in section “Note”. Please also do not forget to insert the number of your arrival flight and the destination from which you will fly back to Bratislava. This information is important for us so that we can wait for you at the airport when you come back, also in situations when your flight will be delayed. Please pay particular attention to the correct completion of the date and time of your arrival to and departure from the parking lot, because if this information does not correspond to the reality, your transfer may be delayed and you may be delayed also due to completion of administrative formalities (such as due to the necessity of re-calculation of the sum payable for your parking). If your return flight to Bratislava is delayed, no additional charges will be added to your payment.
After you have completed and sent the Reservation Form, a reservation confirmation will be immediately sent to you. If you do not receive the confirmation, please check whether you do not have it in your “spam” box, and if not, please contact us on our telephone number +421 2 48201344 in the time between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. (08:00-19:00).